Warrior Women — SBG Edmonton -->

Warriors... come out to play!


About the class

Unleash your inner warrior with our Warrior Woman class. Sweat your way to a healthier you with strength training, cardio exercises and circuit training. The classes are designed to accommodate any fitness level, from beginner to advanced. 

Warrior community

Our Warrior Women class is so much more than your average drop in class at the local rec centre. Our program is build on a solid foundation of community, authenticity, science and accountability. Designed by women, for women, this program is guaranteed to help everyone in the group meet their life and fitness goals.

But don't take our word for it, hear it straight from our Warrior Women.

“I really enjoy coming to the Warrior Women class. Not only do I get an awesome workout, I’m surrounded by a group of really great and supportive people!”
— Jonelle, member since January 2016